Bugle Miami

UDRB Votes In Favor Of Approving Flagler Oasis

Miami’s Urban Development Review Board voted last week to recommend that city planners approve the Flagler Oasis project.

Flagler Oasis is planned to have three phases with a combined:

  • 348 residential units
  • 73,828 square feet of office
  • 19,950 square feet of retail
  • 573 on-site parking spaces, with multiple garages

Phase 1 and Phase 3 will rise 8 stories, while Phase 2 will rise 16 stories.

Phase 1 is already under construction, with 100 residential units. The phase 2 tower will have 248 residential units, with office in the third phase.

Behar Font is the architect.

Gamla Cedron, which is connected to a publicly-traded Israeli company, is the developer.

