Bugle Miami

Mohawk At Wynwood Gets Utilities For 226 Apartments Across From Midtown Miami

The developer of the Mohawk At Wynwood apartment project has signed a deal with Miami-Dade County to supply water and sewer utilities.

According to the June 30 agreement, Mohawk At Wynwood will include:

  • 226 apartments
  • 24,639 square feet of full service restaurant
  • 318-space parking garage (according to a WDRC submittal earlier this year)

The project was submitted to the Wynwood Design Review Committee in March.

The developer has previously said construction would begin in 2023.

There does not yet appear to be a construction permit in process, nor has there been an application for a demolition permit to clear the site.

Rilea Group is the developer, with Deforma Studio the architect.

