Bugle Miami

Miami Dade College Professor Wins Media Literacy Award

The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) has awarded this year’s Media Literacy Award to Miami Dade College (MDC) Padrón Campus professor Emily Andrea Sendin.

The award is granted to NCTE members who have demonstrated innovative approaches to integrating media analysis and competition in the classroom. The selection committee credited Sendin’s “breath and range of ways” she engages students.

“The student project exemplars exhibited strength within community collaborations and the ways students are invited to create and analyze media texts,” the committee noted.

Sendin has taught for 22 years at MDC and has previously been named an Endowed Teaching Chair and Fulbright Scholar. She teaches global sustainability and earth literacy studies, service-learning, and Honors College courses. She is the founding advisor for MDC’s Urbana, a student-led and award-winning literacy and arts magazine on campus. She is an expert on postcolonialism and feminist theories, African American literature, and media studies.

