Bugle Miami

‘Star Wars’ Show Support by Unveiling Transgender Jedi

The Force was strong with Star Wars as they revealed that two fan-favorite Jedi are transgender non-binary.

The characters in question are Terec and Ceret from The High Republic comic series by creator Cavan Scott. Terec and Ceret are Kotabi twins who share one mind and are able to communicate through a physical link even if they are apart.

In a variant cover edition of Scott’s comic book series, which is illustrated by Javier Garrón, Star Wars used #TransDayOfVisibility to share the news that Terec and Ceret are now LGBTQ, or more specifically transgender non-binary characters, in the Star Wars canon. Posting to their official Instagram account, Star Wars said:

It’s not the first time that Star Wars have used the Marvel Comics series to confirm certain characters’ identities in the Star Wars universe. Earlier this month, Star Wars canonically confirmed that Lando Calrissian is pansexual after including him on the cover of the upcoming June Pride Month releases, alongside other queer characters like Doctor Aphra.

